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14 August 2023

Intl. Conference of Hussaini Mysticism and Epic to be held.

Intl. Conference of Hussaini Mysticism and Epic will be held with the presence of scholars from more than 10 countries.

According to Alarbaeen, Ayatollah Abedi the head of "Interntional Conference of Hussaini Mysticism and Epic" in a press conference which was held on Wednesday, 22 July 2020, explained about this international event. The Conference is going to be held by Arbaeen International Foundation and Warith al-Anbiya' Institute jointly.

This seminary professor started his speech by defining the terms "mysticism" and "epic" and explaining their relationship with each other. He went on to say, "A true mystic is one who has a real understanding of God and his successors and a person with an epic demeanor is a person who sacrificed himself for others and puts others first".

Ayatollah Abedi added, "When talking of mysticism and epic you cannot skip Imam Hussain (as) as he is the pinnacle of mysticism and epic scene."

The head of this international conference gave some details about this event. He said that this prestigious event is going to be held on the next Wednesday 29 July 2020 in six seperate panels in 6 different languages, namely, Persian, Arabic, English, Urdo, Turkish, and Swahili. "Scholars from 13 countries will attend this great online event", he added.

Many Satellite and Internet TV Channels along with dozens of websites will broadcast the International conference of Hussaini mysticism and epic, including:
Mahdi TV
Iran Press