Friday 7 February 2025

14 August 2023

Foreign Students Visit Malek Library and Museum.

A group of students from eleven countries who have come to pass a Persian language learning course at Allameh Tabataba’i University summer school visited Malek national library and museum.

Earlier today, a 35-person group including foreign students of Persian language and literature, archeology, orientalism, linguistics and other majors related major to history and culture paid a visit to various parts of Malek national library and museum, Astan Quds Razavi’s biggest cultural endowment in Tehran. These students were from eleven countries of Germany, Spain, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, China, South Korea, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Iraq.
This group of foreign students have been invited to Islamic Iran by Allameh Tabataba’i University’s summer school to have a one-month Persian learning course. This course has been started since July 31st and it is going to be continued up to September1st.  
Being accompanied by Dr. Reza Morad Sahraei, head of Persian language teaching center of Allameh Tabatab’i University, Dr. Hojjatollah Almasi, deputy of the center, and managing director of Malek national library and museum, this group visited museum halls of stamps, art and life, calligraphy, miniature and researchers’ hall. 
On the sideline of this visit, managing director of Malek national library and museum institution expressed his happiness over the presence of this group of foreign students at the three thousand year old treasury and stated, "This cultural endowment is ready to expand its international activities in various areas particularly in the area of Islamic-Iranian culture and art". 
Gholam Reza Khajeh Sarvi referred to Astan Quds Razavi and its approaches focusing on the issue of advancement of endowments and reiterated, "Cultural view of this great endowment organization in such areas creates a very good and appropriate ground for development of institutions’ programs and activities". 
Also, Reza Dabiri Nejad, institution’s cultural deputy, raised some points about the statue of this complex left by Haj Hossein Agha Malek, Iran’s greatest benefactor in the areas of Islamic-Iranian culture and art in contemporary age. He also talked about the history of the center, Haj Hossein’s charity attitudes and also custodians of the institution.
The students paid a special visit to the museum halls and took some photos of the unique works at the center. Their questions were answered by experienced experts of the institution as well. 
This tour is considered as one of the side programs of foreign students passing Persian language learning course at Allameh Tabataba’i University. The group will visit various cultural, tourist and historical centers of the capital while there are in Iran; they got familiar with customs, traditions and several thousand year old civilization of Iran. 
Malek national library and museum is considered as one of the most important tourist destinations in Iran which is visited by lots of foreign tourists every year.
Lovers of art and culture can visit different halls of this place every day except Friday. This place is open since 08:15 to 16:45 (Thursdays to 15:45). Malek national library and museum institution is on Imam Khomeini square, National Garden (Bagh-e Melli) entrance gate, UN Street. Also, interested people from all over the world can visit the center’s website on