Thursday 26 December 2024

14 August 2023

The Preparatory Committee for the Third Cultural Festival of the Defense Fatwa launches a photography competition.

The Preparatory Committee for the Third Cultural Festival of the Defense Fatwa called on photographers, photography enthusiasts and those interested in photographic affairs to take part in the photo competition commemorating the heroism and sacrifices of the security forces and the popular mobilization.

The contest will be held within the activities of the festival, which will be held by the Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, to celebrate and commemorate the anniversary of the launch of the holy religious fatwa under the slogan: "The victory is from you, to you, for you and you deserve it" for the period from 13 to 14 Shawwal 1439H corresponding to 28-29 June 2018. .

The Committee has set the following rules and conditions for participation in this competition:

1- The footage should be artistic and highlight the heroism of the popular mobilization and the Iraqi army as well as the humanitarian situations that concern the displaced and the affected areas.

2 - The participant has the right to subscribe with five pictures to ten only, and they have to be free of any writing or name.

The participant picture must not be subject to any amendment by the participant.

4 - The picture must be free of any partisan or sectarian slogans and be public only the popular mobilization slogan and the Iraqi flag that are accepted.

The longest side of the image should be between 2000 and 3000 pixels.

6 - The pictures with all its details must be photographed by the participant photographer.

7 - Upload the pictures in the album of the contest in the site of the holy defense fatwa or deliver it on a CD to the Department of intellectual and cultural affairs at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine accompanied by the name of the photographer, or send them to the following e-mail:

Any picture that does not meet the above requirements or below the required technical level will be neglected.

9 - The al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine has the right to use or publish the pictures participating in the contest.

The deadline for delivery is June 21, 2018.

11- The first three winners will be awarded prizes of (250,000) two hundred and fifty thousand Iraqi Dinars with a shield for each one of them.