Wednesday 26 March 2025

14 August 2023

Maintenance of 55100 Electronic Sources in Audio Visual Section of Astan Quds Razavi’s Central Library.

Over 55100 software and non-publish sources on various topics are now available for researchers in audio visual section of the Astan Quds Razav’s central library.

Referring to the fact that around 10500 people in different age levels are members of this section, responsible of audio visual part of Astan Quds Razavi’s central library said, “Number of those who borrow and download sources of this section reaches to about three thousand per month”. He, meanwhile, said, “Membership in this part of the library is completely separated from other units of Astan Quds Razavi’s central library”. 
Ghamar Mousavian said that during first nine months of 1396/ March to November of 2017, around 400 information sources have been borrowed in this section. He also added, “In last month, around six thousand sources of this kind have been borrowed by the members”.
He referred to the download possibility in Central Library’s audio visual portal and stated, “Since the beginning of the current Persian year, an overall number of 4500 records have been downloaded by the library’s members”.
Mousavian added, “PhD, Master, and other members of this section of Astan Quds Razavi’s central library can take 5,4 and 3 packs of software each time, respectively”. 
Saying that the electronic section of the central library of Astan Quds Razavi was established with the title of “Audio Visual Section” in 1374/ 1996, he said, “Electronic sources of this section include computer sciences and related software, Qur’anic sciences, educational resources, artistic and historical sources, literature sources, law and jurisprudence, scientific documentaries, etc.” 
Responsible of audio visual section of Astan Quds Razavi’s central library added, “Also, a very rich collection of films, documentaries, electronic books, pictures, and audio files about holy defense can be found among various sources of this center”. 
Mousavian stressed, “To offer special services for the kids and teenagers, this center has separated this group’s needed sources in 1390/ 2012”.  
He went on to say, “For the moment, around two thousand Persian and Latin software on different topics have been provided for the kids and teenagers. Topics of these items the focus of which is on child and adolescent groups are teaching Qura’n and Islamic principles, painting, entertainment, kids’ games, pre-school teachings, religious anthems, encyclopedia for children and so on”. 
It is worth mentioning that audio visual section of Astan Quds Razavi’s central library is open every day but holidays. This center offers its services to the pilgrims and citizens since 7:15 to 18:45 and it is located in floor -1 of the central library of Astan Quds Razavi.