Friday 27 December 2024

14 August 2023

Director of the Center for Manuscripts in the Iraqi Sunni Endowment demands bilateral cooperation with the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine.

The director of the Center for Manuscripts and Documents at the Sunni Endowment, Dr. Abdul Razzaq Ahmad Al-Harbi, confirmed that they are "open to the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine through the cooperation frameworks in this field and the intention of consolidating the principles of cooperation and mutual joint work in the field of preserving and maintaining manuscripts, as it represents the heritage of this nation.”

He added: "We seek to maintain the link with the Manuscript Restoration Center of the library of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine of this ancient and sophisticated center, and we will also gain the experience from its employees because of their great and advanced steps in this field. As we have started the work in the Manuscripts' Center at the Sunni Endowment almost two years ago, while the center of manuscripts in the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine began many years ago, and gained extensive experience, we learn from them and gain experience from their pioneering experience, which we have not reached yet."

This statement came during the visit of Professor Dr. Abdul Razzaq Ahmed Al Harbi to the Manuscript Restoration Center at the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine, which oversaw the establishment of a specialized course in the restoration and maintenance of manuscripts for the workers at the Center of Manuscripts and Documents in the Office of the Sunni Endowment, which lasted for ten days.

At the end of this visit, which included a tour in the Center, Dr. al-Harbi explained: "It is a great honor for us to visit this holy place and it is an honor for us to meet with our brothers and loved ones in this holy city and to witness the great pioneering experience and the advanced steps taken by the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine in the field of Restoration and maintenance of manuscripts and work to restore life to the most precious thing in the history of the nation: the manuscript. "

Adding: "It is shameful that our ancestors saved them from the hands of the Tatars, Hulagu and the colonists, to be damaged at our time. This pioneering project restores this heritage to the nation as it is."