The opening ceremony was held in one of the halls of the rehabilitated building in the presence of Mr. Abbas Al-Masoudi, Technical Assistant to the General Directorate of Education in Karbala Governorate and the teachers of the two secondary schools.
Sayed Adnan al-Mousawi, a member of the Board of Directors of the al-Abbas' (p) holy shrine has urged during a speech on this occasion the educational staff to make more efforts for the success of the educational process in Iraq, indicating that the work done by the al-Abbas' (p) holy shrine is an expression of the sense of responsibility and keenness to provide a suitable environment to our children in this region because they are suffering from a lack of school buildings.
At the end of the ceremony there was a tour in the corridors of the building to see the rehabilitation and renovation that has been done, after it was in a very bad situation for students and for education.
Mr. Abbas Hamoud Al-Khafaji, Director of Al-Bayan Secondary School for Boys, said: "The secondary school building in the Freiha area has been rehabilitated and renovated. The second floor of the school has been ramshackle since 2005. Then, a hall was built by using a central courtyard that was used as an auditorium for activities. And for the second floor was rehabilitated by the establishment of 6 full classrooms that were equipped for students after they were sitting previously in caravans."
After seeing the newly renovated building of the Bayan school, the people of the region and the cadre of education thanked and praised the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine for its efforts to renovate this school, as well as for the speed of its response, the diligence of the work and the quality of the materials introduced in the maintenance and rehabilitation.
The rehabilitation of the school building came after the receiving the appeal of the people of the region by the General Secretariat of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, which immediately formed a specialized technical committee of the Department of engineering maintenance, in order to assess the damage of this school and to start the work of rehabilitation and contribute to provide a modern learning environment.