Saturday 11 January 2025

14 August 2023

A Brazilian convert visits the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali(AS).

The head of the Religious Affairs Department Sheikh Abdul Sada al-Jaza’iri, and Sayyid Ali al-Shara’ hosted the Brazilian convert Aleno Pant. He changed his name to Asadul Allah.

Sayyid Mohammad Ali al-Yassiri, the head of the religious affairs department in the holy shrine of Zaid al-Shaeed, accompanied Aleno.

They discussed the doctrinal and religious matter with the convert.

Aleno thanked the department for their warm hospitality and great interest. They gave some of the publications of the department in additions to some English books like: Nahjul Balagha (Peak of Eloquence), the Life History of Imam Ali (PBUH), Ali is the Voice of Justice, and etc.

Aleno was brought up in a Christian family. He converted to Islam after hearing the sermons that explained the principles and morals of Ahlul Bayt (PBUH) in English and Portuguese.