Saturday 11 January 2025

14 August 2023

Ayatollah al-Hakim hails pilgrimage as a path to solve discord.

Ayatollah al-Hakim said, “God Almighty has bestowed upon the believers the opportunity to take part in such religious ceremonies and pilgrimages, allowing them to gather around and unite their resolve to address the ongoing issues and conflicts.”

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad-Sa’id al-Hakim urged the Muslim community to revive religious ceremonies and making pilgrimage to the holy shrines in order to seek proximity to God Almighty.

The Shi’ah source of emulation addressed a group of Muslim seminary students from the Canadian city of Windsor who had traveled to Iraq for the Arba’in pilgrimage to recourse to God Almighty and his Prophet Muhammad in order to learn lessons from their pure words.

During the meeting, the senior scholar added, “God Almighty has bestowed upon the believers the opportunity to take part in such religious ceremonies and pilgrimages, allowing them to gather around and unite their resolve to address the ongoing issues and conflicts.”

“Such religious holidays and events are intended for us to preserve our roots, sanctities and moral virtues which are based on holy Quran and the doctrine of the Ahlul-Bayt,” Ayatollah al-Hakim concluded.