Saturday 11 January 2025

14 August 2023

Poem, Most Influential Tool to Prevail Culture of the Household of the Apostle of God (S.A.W.).

Introducing poem as the best way to attract young people toward infallible Imams’ (A.S.) conduct, the selected bard from Ivory Coast said, “Art is the most influential tool to prevail culture of the household of the apostle of God (A.S.)”.

On the sideline of the first international poetry night of Arbaeen which was held with the presence of international poets from twenty countries, Davi Wovamou, from Ivory Coast, stated, “I form my poems with an approach to attract world people toward the household of the apostle of God’s (S.A.W.) school of thought and I want to awaken hearts by raising teachings hidden in culture of the household of the apostle of God (S.A.W.)”. Topic of this poetry night was the household of the apostle of God (S.A.W.).
He noted that many world Muslims respect Imam Reza (A.S.) and the household of the apostle of God (S.A.W.); they don’t have much information on his conduct and virtues, however. He reminded, “Current era in which enemies strive to weaken religious values and teachings by inducing false cultures, we have to offer qualities and virtues of infallible Imams (A.S.) in the form of poem”. 
David Wovamou said, “When I came to Iran’s al-Mustafa University to study my MA, I found out that Imam Reza (A.S.) has not been introduced correctly; I, therefore, decided to say poems describing this Imam (A.S.)”.
The selected poet from Ivory Coast said, “The poem I said for the first international poetry night of Arbaeen was my first poem on virtues of the eighth Imam (A.S.) and I am going to say some other poems in this area”.
Saying that Imam Reza (A.S.) has got lots of miracles, he added, “While I was studying in Iran, I faced a problem and when I resorted to the Imam (A.S.), it was easily settled. I felt Imam Reza’s (A.S.) miracle then”.
It is mentioned that first Arbaeen international poetry night was held with the presence of 400 poets from twenty countries on Tuesday, Aban 23rd / November 14th. This event was held at conferences and exhibition center of Astan Quds Razavi located in Babal-Javad entrance.