Saturday 11 January 2025

14 August 2023

The Iraqi Minister of Justice pay pilgrimage to Imam Hussain(AS) Holy Shrine.

During a visit the Iraqi Minister of Justice Haider Ez-Zamili made to Imam Hussein Shrine - where he met up with sheikh Abdul-Mehdi El-Kerbela’e, representative of Shia Muslim Supreme Religious Authority, - he stated that the Iraqi government is rejecting any demand of extraditing foreign terror convicts to their countries.

He added, “Everyone – whether Iraqi or not - who has committed crimes against the Iraqi people has to be prosecuted in Iraqi, even if they are going to be sentenced to death or imprisonment."


He mentioned that the personal status law that has recently been proposed is suitable for the nature of the Iraqi people, their religious denominations, and the prevalent customs and traditions, confirming that every religious denomination has the right to legislate a religious law that meets their belief.


He said further that the current clamor for passing such a law is merely a means of calumniating the resolution.


He also mentioned that he listened to the advice of shekh El-Kerbela’e, after he discussed important issues and laws with him.