Sunday 9 March 2025

14 August 2023

Al-Abbas(AS) Holy Shrine deploys a number of guides in and out of the Holy Shrine.

The Service Affairs Department at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, within the plan prepared for the Ziyarat Arba'een, has deployed a groups of guides within and outside the Holy Shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) and in the area between the two holy shrine for guiding the visitors and showing them the places they are looking for.

The Department has organized these groups and assigned volunteers to help them into their various time shifts as their work is ongoing for twenty-four hours, focusing on places where there is a lot of traffic. As they guide visitors to the gates of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine for men and those for women, in addition to the service centers of the holy shrine such as the centers for guiding the missing, the places where they have to leave their bags, mobile phone and shoes, accommodation places and others.

They also inform the rescue teams in the event of an emergency case and transfer the lost or missing to the identification centers for the purpose of informing their relatives, as most of the visitors because of their fatigue and tiredness as a result of their long walk to come to Karbala, they lose focus, and these guides are there to help them.