Sunday 9 March 2025

14 August 2023

Fifth International Poem Congress of Ashuraei Ladies Is Held in Mashhad, October 29

The fifth biennial congress of poem of Ashuraei ladies will be held on Aban 7th /October 29th in Astan Quds Razavi Islamic Research Foundation, cooperating with Astan Quds Razavi Art Creation Institute.

The fifth biennial poem congress of Ashuraei ladies will finish its job on Sunday, Aban 7th /October 29th by introducing best participants. This ceremony will be held at the hall of Astan Quds Razavi Islamic Research Foundation.
In this ceremony which is held internationally for the first time in Mashhad, a group of selected participants of the fifth round of the festival including Hamideh Rezaei, Fatemeh Soleimanpour, Ilham Omoumi, Ahmad Shahriar, Ahmad Jonayd, Ayoub Parand Avar, and Ibrahim Qebleh Aryatan will read their poems. Also other selected participants from Tehran, Qom, Isfahan, Shiraz and Tabriz provinces alongside with some foreign participants from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Yemen will have their poem readings. Naqmeh Mostashar Nezami will also perfume her program.
Appreciating best selected participants and also families of martyrs of holy shrine are other cultural programs provisioned by the congress holders. Foundation of Sacrifice and Endeavor Verses, Art creation Institute of Astan Quds Razavi, Khorasan Razavi's Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs, Art Area of the country and the center of Martyrs and Veterans' Organizations are some of the holders of this ceremony.
According to the recall, international poem congress of Ashuraei ladies focus on ten areas including describing epics of Ashuraei women such as Hazrat Zeinab (S.A.), Hazrat Om al-Banin (S.A.), Hazrat Roqayyeh (S.A.), Hazrat Sakineh (S.A.), Hazrat Robab (S.A.), and Wahab's mother, contemporary women and culture of Ashura, Islamic Revolution, holy defense, Islamic awakening, and resistance, the most important duties of people in charge of cultural affairs, boosting revolutionary morale among the youth, attending to the educative messages of Ashura  from the aspects of religious view points to woman and her social presence, consolidating credibility and confidence of women in social impacts, and also paying attention to the emotional subtleties of women's presence in defense and resistance fields.
Martyrs of holy shrines of Imam Hossein (A.S.) and Hazrat Zeinab (S.A.) in Iraq and Syria and other parts of the world, eight-year resistance of innocent people of Iran against arrogance's proxies and creating enduring epics by following Ashura school of thought, appreciating brave men of the Islamic world such as Hakim and Bagher al-Nemer, Sheikh Zakzaki, fighters in Syrian, Yeman, Iraq and Palestine martyrs, Islamic unity in the shade of Willayat by following Ashura school of thought and Holy Qura'an, fighting arrogance and strengthening revolutionary spirit against modern ignorance along with tribal ignorance as well as crimes and the killings of global terrorism and arrogant states such as hypocrites, ISIS, Wahhabis, al-Saud and al-Khalifa dynasties are other topics of this congress.
Poets sent, in due time, at most three poems of them to the congress secretariat. 500 poems from 122 ladies and 105 men were received by the secretariat and the referee committee examined each of these poems. Dr. Alireza Qazwe, manager of center of literary creations in country's art area.
It is worth mentioning that the program will be held on Sunday, Aban 7 / October 29 at 17:30 in auditorium of Islamic Research Foundation of Astan Quds Razavi located in u-turn of Tabarsi Street.