Friday 7 March 2025

14 August 2023

Arbaeen Dissemination Plan Begins in Najaf.

Implementation of a special ideological plan on the occasion of Arbaeen (the 40th day after Ashura) began with the participation of scholars and intellectuals of Najaf Islamic Seminary at the holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS).

The implementation of the plan began in the second annual session of the sources of emulations’ trustees in the holy city of Najaf.

Various aspects of the plan, implemented with the participation of 1500 male and female preachers, were discussed in the session.

Hashim Mousawi, an official in charge of organizing the plan, said that the preachers will provide religious services to the pilgrims marching toward the holy city of Karbala.

They will clarify jurisprudential and religious issues and rituals and will answer the religious questions of the pilgrims.

Addressing the session, Seyyed Ahmad Ishkiwari, a seminary teacher, said that the plan aims to promote self-confidence in the Muslim Ummah and investigate social problems and provide solutions.

He added that the Arbaeen pilgrimage is a good opportunity for disseminating cultural and human values, stressing the Islamic identity and clarifying issues needed by the Muslim Ummah in the contemporary world.