Saturday 11 January 2025

14 August 2023

New Languages added to the Official Website of Imam Ali(AS) Holy Shrine.

The head of Coordination and Follow-up Division in Ameerul Mumineen Center for Translation Hasanain Shaba’ said that the center translated more than thirty books which are printed in separate languages. Moreover, the center added more languages to the official website of the Holy Shrine.

Shaba’ said “We will add the Turkish and Azerbaijani languages to the website in the coming days. Moreover, the Chinese language will be added soon after completing the finishing touches.”

“By virtue of the Publications Division, the books and brochures of the center are displayed in the local and international fairs. The topic of the books were mainly about the life history of Imam Ali (PBUH) and other topic as well. Some of which are: Sheikh Mohammad Jawad’s Fatha’il al-Imam Ali (The Virtues of Imam Ali) which is translated into French, Turkish and Swedish; Mohammad Hassan’s Asl al-Shai wa Usuluha (The Origin of Shiite Islam and its Principles) into both English and Chinese languages in a single book; Shiekh Baqir Shareef’s Mujaz al-Maasi al-Murouwiyah (The Brief of Great Distresses) into Persian and Urdu, Mohammad Jawad’s Ali wal Quran (Ali and the Quran) into English, Ahadith Al-Mawumeen which is prepared and compiled by the center into Chinese, Daleel al-Iraq al-Musawar (Iraq Landmarks, Illustrated) into Urdu and Persian; Mohammad Ameen’s Al-Islam into English, Mohammad Ali’s Saniyoo al-Salaam (Peace Makers) into English, Mohammad Jawad’s Shai and Tashiyu (Shiism and Converting to Shiism) into Urdu, Al-Ilaqa ma al-Akhar (The Relation with the Other) into English, Mohammad al-Khersan’s Akhlaq al-Imam Ali (The Ethics of Imam Ali) into French; Mohammad al-Sadr’s Hayat Ameerul Mumineen (The Life of the Commander of the Faithful) into Urdu and French which is being printed; and al-Qarashi’s Nizam al-Usara fi al-Islam (Family System in Islam) into Urdu,” he stated.

“Translating Fiqh az-Za’er (Islamic Jurisprudence for Visitors) into English and Persian is underway. Moreover, Ahmed al-Wa’eli’s Hawiyatul Tashyu (The Identity of Shiism) that is translated into Swedish is being translated into English,” he confirmed.

“Sharh al-Ahd al-Duwali (The Complete Editions of Ali’s Instructions to Malik al-Ashtar) is translated into five languages: English, French, Swedish, Urdu, and Persian. Sulh al-Imam al-Hassan (The Entreaty of Imam Hassan) is translated into four languages which are: French, Urdu, Persian, and English. We have published and translated many other brochures of separate titles,” he added.