Sunday 9 March 2025

14 August 2023

A Glance on Health Tourism Domain of Razavi Hospital; The Diamond of Health Tourism of the Middle East.

The health tourism is a type of tourism, which aims to maintain, improve and regain the physical and mental health of an individual for more than 24 hours and less than a year.

Traveling from their permanent residence can use the healthcare services of the destination to gain their physical and mental health. Today, thanks to the advancement of medical science in our country, we are not only welcoming foreign students, but with the advent of health tourism and public and private investments in this sector, hopefully in the near future we will witness more growth of the industry in our country
Among the various cities of the country, the holy city of Mashhad due to the presence of the Illuminated Court of The Eighth Imam, and religious, natural and historical attractions, and on the other hand, the availability of health and medical centers, such as the Razavi Hospital has always been one of the most important tourism destinations, especially health tourism in Iran.
Razavi Hospital enjoying rare and sometimes unique facilities in the region, as well as the experience and knowledge of some of the top Iranian physicians is a safe place which warmly welcomes the pilgrims and tourists. .
Obtaining International Standards
The hospital also has been awarded the Diamond Certification from Accreditation Canada Institution (ACI) for improving the quality grade and achieving international health tourism standards. Razavi Hospital has been awarded the first degree in state-level assessments for several years in succession, and also has received Temos certificate.
Razavi Hospital is the first hospital to receive IPD license, and since 2010, by holding the International Congress of Health Tourism of Islamic Countries, and hosting foreign patients, has been active in the field of setting up and operating the International Patient Department (IPD) for many years and is far ahead the other health centers of the country. In fact, the IPD provides hospital communication with foreign patients from first contact to receiving treatment and returning home, and receiving post-treatment care. The activities of the IPD Committee include policymaking and formulation of hospitalization objectives in the field of treating international patients.
IPD at Razavi Hospital offers special services including free counseling and free visit of patients, the use of fluent English and Arabic speaking physicians, the presence of English, Arabic and Turkmen translators in the hospital all day and night, the presence of trained staff, veneration while guiding and transferring patients, contract with trusted and licensed health tourism companies, promptly reception, as well as doing all healthcare activities at the shortest time possible.
In this regard, the admission of international patients is done through several methods, such as the facilitator company under contract with the hospital, admission via direct referral to the Razavi Hospital, and via e-mail or social networks.
70% Increase in Health Tourism Attraction
Dr. Qassem Soltani, Director of the Razavi Hospital, stating that the hospital has all the expertise of the medical world said, “We are trying to meet the needs of Iranian patients and other patients who come from neighboring Muslim countries to Razavi Hospital, and provide our customers with the best possible services.”
“In this hospital, in addition to communicating with the country's academic centers, we have also communications with the academic centers of the European countries, and now we are working with German physicians in the heart surgery and cardiology department” Soltani reiterated.
"Hospital equipment require a very high technology, which is only monopolized by several Western countries; however, since the establishment of the hospital, we have been able to provide the latest equipment. For instance, while in Iran there are only two major centers of nuclear medicine in Tehran and Mashhad, by promoting the nuclear medicine sector and produce radioisotopes, we were able to utilize them for cancer treatment. We are also working to equip the hospital facilities in areas such as radiology, heart, and cancer with devices such as CT Angio, and the advanced MRI machine, with the best technology in the world” he said about the hospital's equipment.
“Razavi Hospital has been hosting patients from neighboring countries such as Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, etc. In Mashhad, in addition to many attractions to fascinate tourists and pilgrims, we are seeing a great reception of medical attractions in various hospitals, especially Razavi Hospital. As compared with last year, we had 70% increase in patient's intake from neighboring countries, especially from Muslim countries of the region at Razavi Hospital” Director of Razavi Hospital said regarding the selection of the Razavi Hospital for the treatment of patients in Islamic and neighboring countries..
“Iranian patients could take advantage of the services of the Razavi Hospital with all existing insurance companies in the country and according to the rules and standards of insurance. In the case of foreign patients who come to the hospital, we also act according to the tariffs set by the government; however, it is much more desirable if conditions are provided to allow foreign patients to be covered by international insurance” he said on the insurance and costs of treatment for patients in Razavi Hospital.
Provide Quick and Free Advice; A Different Service
Doctor Azadeh Talayi, the Director of Razavi Hospital IPD, pointing out that from August 2015, the International Patient Department (IPD), as an independent unit started to operate, said, “The services provided in this unit are related to admission and treatment of foreign patients.”
“Foreign patients visiting Razavi Hospital will be visited free of charge in the shortest possible time by IPD practitioners and receive their advice. Paraclinical services are also provided to them, if needed, then they will be treated accordingly. In this way, the patients are left without confusion in the hospital, and consequently, they will not be the victim of health care dealers across the city” he stated, stressing the speed and convenience of receiving services by patients.
The physician of Razavi Hospital’s IPD, addressing the methods of informing, and admission at the Hospital said, “Most of our foreign patients come in person for admission and treatment, and some by phone, email, and virtual media, such as WhatsApp and Telegram.”
“The hospital is recognized among the people of the region, especially Iraq, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan due to the provision of quality care, and the existence of a variety of specialized services, including cardiovascular, nuclear medicine, infertility treatment, cancer, etc.” he added on the importance of the role of Razavi Hospital in the healthcare of the region:.
In the end, Talayi pointed out the ways of communicating with the IPD at Razavi Hospital. “For receiving any medical and therapeutic services, they can contact the IPD Unit at 00985136002889 and 00985136002891,, Telegram, Line, WhatsApp and Instagram at 00989151078331, or come to Mashhad, Azadi Highway after Ghaem Bridge, Razavi Hospital, IPD Unit.”
Mashhad, the Center of Country’s Medical Tourism
Razavi hospital is the first and only Iranian Hospital that has been able to receive the diamond certification, the highest credit of ACI Institution, and can be looked upon as a model for other country’s medical centers, since it indicates the leading specialized capacities in the Islamic Iran.
Concerning the number of foreign patients referring to the hospital, Mashhad can be considered as the tourism hub of the country.
Razavi Hospital, as one of the most advanced and modern medical establishments in the country, has always tried to provide health services, both nationally and internationally with the highest quality worthy of the neighbors and pilgrims of Imam Reza (A.S.).