Jamal Ed-Deen Esh-Shehristani – director of Media Department of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine – said that the Shia Endowment Bureau held the meeting in the city of Najaf in order to discuss the vital role of media and its challenges.
He mentioned how media urged people to take up arms and fight ISIS after the Shia Supreme Religious Authority issued the edict of Collective Jihad on ISIS.
He added that the message sent from the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine to the paramilitaries played a vital role in encouraging them.
He then said that the coming stage will require shouldering responsibilities in order to integrate media speech, especially nowadays where ISIS social media armies are spreading false and instigative rumors targeting the society and destroying their ideology.
He also mentioned that this is a war of intellect and ideologies for which Imam Hussein Holy Shrine has made a plan to tackle.