Dāvūd Manāfīpūr, at the fifteenth annual meeting of the officials of Global Commemoration of Ali Asghar (A.S.), which coincident with the birthday anniversary of Hazrat Masoumeh (S.A.) was held at the Quds Hall of the Astan Quds Razavi Central Library, said, “By the favor of God Almighty, the first Global Commemoration of Ali Asghar was held in 2003. During the fourteenth year of the conference, 3500 ceremonies were held last year, and it is anticipated that at the end of the 20-year program, 8000 ceremonies will be held in Iran and five continents.”
“Hosseini Infancy Conference is a highly effective and expressive cry in a special and different form, which was held for the first time in Iran and later throughout the world. This conference is a revival of Karbala, and has already experienced a substantial growth” he stated.
“This conference created the question ‘For the sake of what sin they were killed?’ in the minds of all the people of the world, and this message will be sent even for those who do not have religion or do not know the God” Manāfīpūr said, pointing out that we think to the end of the road.
“The scope of the conference has reached the whole world and India is the first. Our movement is the conveying of the message and is not limited to the Shi’ites” Secretary of the Global Commemoration of Ali Asghar (A.S.) said.
“All Muslims, both Shi’ite and Sunni should receive this message” he stated.
Fighting World Hegemony through the Flag of Karbala
“Our message to global hegemony is that the ultimate war of Islam is the fight against Israel, which is the main enemy of the humanity and we will give this message to everyone” Manāfīpūr said, expressing that our message is to fight the global hegemony with the flag of Karbala.
“We can prepare the requirements of the emergence, when act according to this narrative. We have transmitted Karbala to the world by reading rawda” he said, pointing to a tradition with a theme that Shi'a must feed its existence from Karbala before the emergence.”
“Our message is to the Shi’ite elites. The enlightenment by the elite toward the power of Karbala and the innocence of Ali Asghar is an obligation. Shi’ites and their elites still have not realized that the power of Ali's Asghar's innocence is effective in setting up and introducing Imam Mahdi in the world” Secretary of the Global Commemoration of Ali Asghar commented.
He mentioned passing the message to the Shi'ites to realize the emergence and establishing a feeling in the Sunni mothers, among other goals of the commemoration and noted, “There are dormant beliefs in non-Shi'a. We should correct their thoughts from the indoctrination of al-Zīyād and al-Marwān, who were the perpetrator of the crimes committed in Karbala, and this will be accomplished through reading the sermon and holding the Hosseini Infancy Conference.”
“This six-month-old infant has to wake up the world and take the revenge of Hazrat Fatima (S.A.). If we wake up, we have done something for Imam Mahdi (A.S.)” Manāfīpūr reiterated.
“Our message is to the heavenly religions and to all humanity. We should have our agenda in human society. The use of common language and literature is a weapon for us” he remarked.