Friday 7 March 2025

14 August 2023

Coincident with beginning of Karamat Celebration Days, The Fifteenth International Assembly of Husseini Infants Began in Mashhad

The fifteenth international assembly of Husseini infants began at the beginning of Razavi Karamat Celebration Days in Mashhad.

Director of Iran provinces in the World Assembly of Ali Asghar (A.S.) said on the sidelines of the opening ceremony held in the Quds auditorium of the Razavi Holy Shrine, “The first Friday of the month of Muharram, each year, the mothers, along with their infants, take part at the International Husseini Infants and  sympathize by mourning with Robab and Imam Hussein (A.S.) in their grief of missing their innocent infant, Ali Asghar (A.S.).
"The World Assembly of Ali Asghar (A.S.) is entrusted with organizing this massive ceremony on national and international levels and prepares donation letter and uniform dresses and filets”, Mostafa Talebian added.
"The ceremony will be held simultaneously with Iran on five continents, among Muslims and non-Muslims, in which the donation letter reading ‘O Imam Zaman (A.S.), I donate my child for your uprising, select and preserve him for your oncoming advent’ will be uttered collectively”, He said.
“The opening ceremony of the world assembly of Husseini Infants will be held simultaneously in Mashhad, and more than 4000 places across Iran, as well as in 400 places in 4 continents, among Muslims and non-Muslims”, he added.
"In 1382/2003, only one ceremony was held while after 14 years, 3500 ceremonies were held over the last year, and at the end of the 20-year plan, there will be 8,000 ceremonies in Iran and five continents”, he remarked.
“Since the beginning of the Rajab this year, a garment workshop and provisioning facilities are running in more than 20 provinces of the country to provide uniforms for infants; in this regard, dressmaking is also done in Turkey, India and Iraq, and the clothing for rest of the countries of the Assembly will be supplied in Iran”, Talebian added.