Friday 7 March 2025

14 August 2023

Astan Quds Razavi’s Custodian: Elaborating Islam’s truths and revealing plots of the arrogance, Mission of Islamic Media

Astan Quds Razavi’s Custodian said, “Elaborating Islam’s truths and revealing plots of the arrogance is the mission of Islamic media”.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the 9th Summit of Islamic Radios and Televisions, Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Raeisi emphasized that one of the most important missions of today’s Islamic media is to show beauties and faithfulness. He also stressed, “Imam Reza (A.S.) says: If people comprehend the beauty of our discourse, they will become our followers. It’s the duty of these media activists to show these beauties, therefore”.
Member of the supreme council of Khorasan’s seminary added, “Media has to show beauty of God worshiping, unity, independence, resistance, recognizing enemy, and social insight and lucrative knowledge and it should also show ugliness of atheism, division, abjection, withdraw, impercipience, and lassitude at same time”.
Noting that arrogance’s media try to feed nations with culture of abjection and make them a colony, he reiterated, “Having accountable presence in the social and political arenas and respecting and serving others in the shade of worshiping God are some features of Islamic media”. 
Hollywood’s Base is to Create Disappointment
Saying that the arrogant countries try to establish culture of disappointment and hopelessness in the world, member of the assembly of experts stated, “School of expectation is against the school of tyranny which is in favor of disappointment and concept of we cannot. The main goal and purpose of Hollywood cinema and enemies’ media is to disappoint people and indoctrinate them with the culture of ‘We Cannot’”.
Saying that Islamic media have to convey ability and dignity to the people of the world, member of the supreme council of Khorasan’s seminary stated, “The arrogance tries, enjoying its media empire, to wide spread disappointment, hopelessness, weakness, capitulation before tyranny and failure against arrogance and western culture among various societies”.
He described role of media in creation of Islamic utopia very significant and stated, “Main characteristics of Islamic utopia include spirituality, morality, security, and social justice and such a land is based on monotheism and divine rules”. He also said, “Media has to elaborate these criteria for the public”.
Fearsomeness is Only Allowed toward God
In continuation of his speech, Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Raeisi referred to the holy verse of “who were delivering the Messages of God, and were fearing Him, and fearing not anyone except Him; and God suffices as a reckoner. (al-Ahzab, 39)” and stated, “The issue of fearsomeness has been mentioned in the Qur’anic verses talking about propagation. This fearsomeness is different from common fear. The real meaning of fearsomeness is that the world is only influenced by God. Therefore, the fearsomeness is only allowed against him and this is the very mystery of braveness, anti-arrogance and truthfulness which must be followed by all the media”.
“Islamic media has to project concepts of rightness, justice, altruism, and defense of the oppressed and be sure to attract their audience since these talks originate from human’s nature. Today, western governments have made a great fuss over supporting other nations but this policy is based on their interests but Islamic support of others is based on duty and God’s sake”, he added.  
Introducing Imam Reza (A.S.) as the symbol of unity and Islamic approximation, he reminded, “It is hoped that holding this ceremony in the vicinity of Hazrat Reza’s (A.S.) illuminated Shrine can make the Islamic media’s hearts, procedures and methods closer”.
Giving awareness and expressing realities were found by him as the biggest missions of the media. He also said, “Giving awareness is the main responsibility of the media. If different aspects of Islam and real nature of the Takfiri groups had become clear, we would not face terrorism and no one had become a member of these groups”.
Media has to Give Awareness in Facing Arrogance Plots
Referring to the hostilities of the arrogant governments against countries of the Middle East, custodian of Astan Quds Razavi said, “Forming a movement with the name of Islam but against Islam in reality, the Zionism has tried to weaken Muslims and Islamic armies so that the issue of Palestine becomes affected by the activities of groups such as Takfiries and ISIS. It is an important duty of media to make people aware of these incidents”.
He introduced a politics accompanied with religion as a basic principle of Islam and reminded, “First and second world wars, 70-year-old tyranny of the Zionist regime against defenseless people of Palestine, and abject situation of today’s world are all result of distance between politics and spirituality and Imam Khomeini (R.A.) is the revitalizer of politics with spirituality in the current era”.
He described Islamic art amalgamated with wisdom and stressed, “Islamic art has always been mixed with wisdom. This feature can be seen in various corners of the Razavi Holy Shrine. If art gets distance from spirituality, it will deviate toward platitude and this will push the society back”.
Expressing that the Islamic society is now wants to introduce a civilization known as religion, he reiterated, “Islam is going to introduce a civilization known as religion and human values. For this civilization to be realized, time must be comprehended, need of the time and our own role must be full understood, and then play the role. Therefore, Islamic media has to take this burden and make clear all the aspects of this civilization to create humans’ all possible types of happiness”.
At the end of his speech, he said, “Media activities have to enjoy scientific dogmatism, practical determination, foresight, and a look toward future. We do believe that the future belongs to virtuous and good people as this is God’s promise. Future does not belong to the money of Saudis, military power of western governments, and hostilities of the Zionism but it’s for the virtuous people”.