Sunday 9 March 2025

14 August 2023

Imam Ali(AS) Holy Shrine distributes the second group of the houses at Qanbar Residential Complex.

With attendance of the secretary general of Imam Ali Holy Shrine and a number of the heads of the departments of Imam Ali Holy Shrine, the second group of the houses at Qanbar Residential Complex was distributed to the employees of Imam Ali Holy Shrine.

The secretary general of Imam Ali Holy Shrine, Sayyed Nizar Hashim Habl al-Mateen said, "Today and in coincidence with the blessed birth of the infallible Imams, we spread the second group of Qanbar Residential Complex."

He added, "The main reason for the success of this project is the good management and use of money and this is a matter that needs a lot of detail and that there are many residential projects in the province, but some of them stopped because of what has been reported of lacking money. This project had proved that Imam Ali Holy Shrine is capable to compete with first-class companies in the implementation of such projects."

Sayyed Nizar Habl al-Mateen had thanked all the members of the Holy Shrine, especially Engineering Affairs', Security Affairs, Machinery Maintenance Departments and all the departments that participated in this project, wishing all the beneficiaries a happy life."

The head of Engineering Affairs' Department, Engineer Mohammad Ridha Hassan said, "We had completed the second group, which contains 262 house and the total completed houses are 500 houses. Today, we shall deliver 56 houses and the rest in the few coming days."

He added, "We had completed about 90 of portable water net and we started the electricity net. We shall complete the electricity net during the coming three months."