Tuesday 11 March 2025

14 August 2023

Deputy Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi in the 2nd Meeting of the Islamic World’s Holy Shrines: Pilgrimage, a Tool for Soul Honesty and heart Purity

Deputy Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi said, “Pilgrimage is one of the ways in reaching God and our goal, as servants of Holy Shines, is to offer best services to the lovers of the household of the Apostle of God (S.A.W)”.

Today’s afternoon and in the opening ceremony of 2nd Meeting of the Islamic World’s Holy Shrines, Seyyed Morteza Bakhtiyari said, “This gathering suggests big success of a movement started in last July in holy city of Mashhad and Astan Quds Razavi, spiritual capital of Iran”. This forum was held in Karbala and participated by custodians, deputies, and representatives of all Holy Shrines.
Congratulating Mab’ath celebration to all representatives of Holy Shrines, he said, “For the reason of important issue of presidential elections in Iran and his intensive programs, Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Raeisi did not attend this ceremony despite his inner desire”.
Appreciating religious custodianship of Imam Hossein’s (A.S.) Holy Shrine for its good hosting, Bakhtiayri referred to Pilgrims’ Rights as the motto of this year’s Meeting and said, “Pilgrimage is a tool for soul honesty and heart purity and pilgrim, observing respect of the place, practices a worshiping before Imam (A.S.). Saying prayers and reading supplications, the pilgrim perceives informative message of the religion and enjoys, based on Qur’anci verses, forgiveness of prophet (S.A.W.) and his household (A.S.) in his connection with their souls. And this is the true meaning of right resorting to devoted friends of God.
Introducing Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) as the best model, Astan Quds Razavi’s deputy custodian emphasized, “Activity route for servants and followers of the Prophet (S.A.W.) is clear crystal”. He also said, “We have to appoint him as our real model”.
“Turning back to the teachings of Islam Prophet (S.A.W.) is current need of the today’s world because colonialism, exploitation and the tyranny of the world arrogant powers which created cultural poverty and moral weakness in the Islamic nation are pivotal elements of the current era. Therefore, we need, more than ever, to have more unity and rationality in the Islamic nation since damages of deviation and ignorance can now be seen in religious conflicts of the region’s Muslims”, he added.
Introducing those who are deviated by themselves and those who threaten others and attack religious centers of the world as followers of Satan, he said, “According to Qur’an verses, God’s tradition is to preserve and defend rightness and wrong dominance will not be sustainable”.
Referring to the burden of all custodianships against pilgrims, Astan Quds Razavi’s deputy custodian emphasized, “Providing pilgrims with various services and constructive enlargements are really important; however, spreading teachings of Qur’an and household of the Apostle of God (A.S.) are more important”.
Gathering of grand custodianships of Shiite holy sites in the form of Meeting of Holy Shrines was introduced by Bakhtiyari as a divine support in deepening services to the pilgrims and religious teachings. He also reminded, “Results and findings of such forums will increase day to day and more blessings will be seen in the future”. 
Also, at the beginning of this ceremony, Sheikh Abd al-Mahdi Karbalayi, religious responsible of Imam Hossein’s (A.S.) Holy Shrine, welcomed all the forum’s guests and called for boosting common assets originating from Holy Shrines’ illuminations. He also emphasized, “We have to avoid disagreements and this gathering is a great opportunity for this goal”.