Tuesday 11 March 2025

14 August 2023

Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, adorers of Ahlul-Bayet celebrate births of Imam Hussein, Imam Es-Sejjad, and El-Abbas (PBUT)

In commemoration of the anniversary of the blessed births of Imam Hussein, Imam Ali; Es-Sejjad, and El-Abbas (Peace Be Upon Them), the decoration personnel of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine have decorated the lattice-enclosed tombs of Imam Hussein, Hebeen; son of Mudhaher, Ibrahim El-Mujab, (Peace Be Upon Them), and the Zainebian Mound Sanctuary.

A great number of the adorers of Ahlul-Bayet (Peace Be Upon Them) flocked into the Imam Hussein and the El-Abbas Holy Shrines, expressing their gaiety, and congratulating one another on this occasion.


Watch the video below for more details:
