Wednesday 1 January 2025

14 August 2023

Hujjat ul Islam wal Muslaimeen Najafi Rouhani: Pen is a fatal weapon of present age

Representative of the office of Islamic revolution leader in Iraq, while declaring pen and communication as the best tool for the present age, said that presently real Mohammadan Islam and Islamic pillars means supreme leadership are continuously facing attacks of enemy via media & cyberspace.

Member of the representative office of the Islamic revolution leader in Iraq Hujjat ul Islam wal Muslaimeen Najafi Rouhani, while addressing convoy of students from Iranian universities, said that Imam Husain (A.S) is the glorified light of the universe and our enemies are trying to depress this light, but Allah (SWT) have a great plan to make it in existence for ever.

Hujjat ul Islam Najafi Rouhani says about the tool of communication and writing is also used by the enemies as a weapon. Presently the fastest tool of propaganda is media and communication, which is also indicated in different verses of Holy Quran.

More he says that enemy is so much determined to kill the grandson of Holy Prophet (SAWW) that they humiliated his body and they did not burry his body.