Mohammad al-Mansouri, the official of the Center, said in a statement to the Media Center “After we had the approval of the Secretary General and by the support of Sheik Sa’ad al-Khaqani, the Head of the Department, we translated some books into Urdu.”
Some of these books are:
1- Sheik Baqir Sharif al-Qarashi’s (Sharh al-Ahd al-Duali), translated by Sheik Mohammad Majd al-Deen.
2- Sheik Baqir Sharif al-Qarashi’s (Mujaz al-Ma’si al-Moroi’a, translated by Sheik Mohammad Majd al-Deen.
3- (Eid al-Ghadeer) one of the Holy Shrine’s publications, translated by Sayyid Nazar Abbas.
4- (Hadithat al-Dar) one of the Holy Shrine’s publications, translated by Sayyid Nazar Abbas.
5- Sayyid Ali al-Sabzawari’s (fi Toul Omr al-Imam Mahdi), translated by Sayyid Nazar Abbas.
6- Sheik Mohammad Jawad Mughnia’s (Shia wa Tashyua’), translated by Sayyid Nazar Abbas.
7- Sayyid Mohammad Sadiq al-Sadr’s (Awal man Aslam), translated by Sayyid Nazar Abbas.