چهارشنبه 22 اسفند 1403

14 August 2023

Grand Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi: “Ashuraic Society, Will Never Tolerate Humiliation”

“A society which learned from Ashura and has targeted its characteristics as its government’s objective, will never go under the burden of humiliation” Grand Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi said.

Ayatollah Raeisi, in special mourning programs of Razavi Holy Shrine, which are held after evening and night prayers, in the portico of Imam Khomeini (R.A.), gave a lecture on the philosophy of Ashura uprising. 
“What is put forward for mourners and devotees of Imam Hussein (A.S.) in this great tragedy, is gaining knowledge about Lord of Martyrs and his uprising. Because if there is admiration of this uprising, it must be coupled with analysis and whatever the analysis is more detailed and comprehensive, praising Imam Hussein (A.S.) will be greater and deeper” he stated, recounting gaining knowledge about Imam Hussein (A.S.), a necessary characteristic for the mourners. 
According to him, for the acquisition of knowledge to the philosophy of Ashura, sermons and sayings of Imam Hussein (A.S.) should be noted, because his word is the best source for understanding this illuminating movement.

The Goal of the Uprising of Imam Hussein (A.S.)
“Imam Hussein (A.S.) in a part of his testament on the purpose of his uprising says, “I left to reform the nation of my grandfather Muhammad (S.A.W.). I want to enjoin the good and forbid the wrong, and act according to the conduct and tradition of my grandfather, and ordinance of my father Ali ibn Abi Talib (S.A.W.)” Board member of the Assembly of Experts expressed.”
“The words of Imam Hussein (A.S.) has generalization, i.e., as long as there is time and land, the blood of Hussein (A.S.) will be the source of social reforms, because Imam Hussein (A.S.) saw religious perversion and moral corruption in layers of society, and rose up to correct and eliminate the wrongdoings,” he said, posing the question of whether reform of the society which was the goal of Imam Hussein (A.S.) uprising, is only valid for the year 61 AH? 
Ayatollah Raeisi mentioned Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) as the founder of Islam, and Imam Hussein (A.S.) as the key to the survival of this religion and uttered, “A number of aspects are assumed for religion, the first is the true existence of religion, that is, Do’s and don'ts which God established it, and they are communicated and explained by the Prophets and Imams.”
He, then, outlined mental existence as the second aspect of religion, and pointing out that the system of beliefs and convictions in the minds is called mental existence, stated, “The third aspect of religion is the executive and tangible existence of religion, when Imam Hussain (A.S.) says, ‘people! Don’t you see that religion is not practiced’ refers to the third aspect of religion which is the executive existence of religion.”

People in Imam Hussein (A.S.) Era
“People in the time of Imam Hussein (A.S.) performed prayer, fasting, charity, etc., however, they were not committed to the path of righteousness and justice, which goes back to the executive existence of religion. Therefore, Imam Hussein (A.S.) in his uprising, represents to the entire world that injustice cannot be in the same direction as oppression, and the lifestyle of the household of the Apostle of God (S.A.W.) is not compatible with oppression and corruption” Lecturer of Kharij course of seminaries said.
“Imam Hussein (A.S.) rose up to eliminate evil, and he wanted to turn selfishness into monotheism, darkness into justice and God oblivion into God obedience in the community and the great human conceptions to spread out among mankind” he remarked, pointing out that being faithful to religion is not consistent with corruption and oppression.

Imam Hussein (As) As a Model
“Whatever goodness, honor, faith, honesty and dignity is there, can be found in Karbala context, and on the contrary is the humiliation, betrayal, corruption etc., in abominable Yazidis picture” Member of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Seminary of Khorasan expressed, introducing Imam Hussein (A.S.) as a role model and a good example.
“Imam Hussain (A.S.) in Karbala incident taught humanity, if righteousness is not applied in a place, and oppression took place we must roar, as Imam Khomeini (R.A.) encountered injustice and oppression of the Shah's ruling, and defended human and religious values” Board member of the Assembly of Experts uttered, introducing the message of “no way we tolerate humiliation”, as a valuable lesson for nations.
“Many pepole, after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (A.S.), rose up to take revenge and they died in this way; however, none of them reached the rank of Karbala martyrs, because the companions of Imam Hussein (A.S.) were time wise, and rushed to help their era’s Imam” Ayatollah Raeisi announced, recounting time wising of the characteristics of Imam Hussein (A.S.) companions.
Grand Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi said “A community learning lessons from Ashura and put its features as its government’s goals will never tolerate humiliation.”